Monday, April 27, 2015

Everybody's Changing

Everybody's changing. In life, in relationships, in business, and in poker. The changes are not a bad thing. It's a natural consequence. The changes are bad for those who can't adjust to the new data.

Changes are the weapon of the strong. Only the strong survives. The better the skill, the fastest someone will notice the changes and use them to his own benefit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

derek58 - nl10 to nl100 poker goal

Setting goals is a part of highly importance in poker. You don't have only to set goals, but to write them down, make a plan, and of course follow your plan. This is not only a poker strategy to achieve your goals. The same method can be used in any bussiness. I just updated my poker goal thread at 2+2 poker forum. You can check it if you like. Good luck in everything and dream big.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Poker is a Skill, Mental and Survival Game


Skill game because in the long run the luck almost vanishes and the winners are those who has the better skill. The long run is longer that you might think though.

Mental game because even if you the best player in the world in poker skills, if you are tilted and not focused you will lose again and again. You have to be in perfect mental and physical condition.

Survival game because poker is one big session. It doesn't matter if you play cash games or tournaments. It doesn't matter if you win or lose 10 sessions or 100 tournaments in a row. What matters is to survive. To adjust to the changes of the game and your opponents style of play. To work every single day to be better.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Poker Tracker Hud RFI Positional Stats Tutorial

This is a tutorial about how to add to your Poker Tracker 4 hud the RFI (raise first in) from every position like this photo. I suggest not to use color coding with small sample of hands becase it can be misleading and the info will be unreliable.

Step 1.

Select "Hud" --> "Edit Hud Profiles

Step 2.

Make sure that you have selected
the tab "Table Groups"
at the up right corner.
Choose the hud profile you use.
For this example I will choose
the "Cash - Default".

Step 3.

Click the "New Group" button.
Give a name like "RFI"

Step 4.

Make sure that you have the RFI
group selected. Then, click below
to the "+" button, and click
"Add Statistic"

Step 5.

Find the stat "Raise First In"
and click ok. You can type it
in the search box to save time.

Step 6.

If you done all the steps correct,
a stat will apear in the box.
Make sure that the stat it's selected,
and go to the up right corner
in the tab "Item Properties"
Change 2 things:
At the "Prefix" box type "EP "
Use one space after you type it.
At the "Position" box click
and select "Early (EP)"

Step 7.

Use the same steps to create
for all positions. Just go back
to the stats box, press again
the "+" button and select
"Add New Line". Then go to
the second line click the "+"
button again and select
"Add Statistic". Follow the
same steps, just change the
Prefix names (MP, BTN, etc)
and the correct position below.

I hope this tutorial was easy understandable and would be helpful to some poker players.
The raise first in % it's a very usefull information, but again be careful, you need some reasonable sample size to make this info reliable. Use it with your responsibility.