Controlling your emotions at the poker tables is the number one key to
your success. Sure, you can always get a little bit better technically
by improving your understanding of the game and learning how to play
optimally versus specific player types.
However, the big leaps and bounds in your winrate will be found by
improving your mental game. You know, that aspect of poker that even in
almost everybody still ignores. You can find countless books, videos or forum posts that will tell you how to play AK better out of position.
But there is scant little information anywhere about how to react to
getting 2 outed for a stack a few times in a row. Or chasing a big fish
around only to get destroyed when all his flush draws and miracle
gutshots hit.
Reacting correctly to situations like these though are where bankrolls
and made and lost. They are where poker careers fail or succeed.
So in this article I am going to address the topic of how to react to
bad beats in poker. And more specifically, how to deal with multiple bad
beats in a row.
What is a Bad Beat?
Let's start off first by asking ourselves what a bad beat really is. A bad beat by definition is simply
losing a hand of poker when you were the statistical favorite. And really what is meant here is losing as the statistical favorite when big amounts of money go in the middle.
A lot of people confuse bad play with bad beats. They are far from the
same thing. For instance, calling off big bets on the turn and river
when a major draw came in and your overpair is obviously no good anymore
is in fact just bad play.
In this article I will be talking about situations where the large
majority of the money went in when you were the statistical favorite in
the hand (i.e., you had more equity in the pot than your opponent). This
is what a bad beat is.
Bad Beats are a Mathematical Certainty in Poker
I think the first thing that we need to understand about bad beats is
that they are a deeply rooted and fundamental part of the game. Somebody
almost always has equity in the pot. Often they have a lot of it in
As we can see in the example above, even if all the money went in on the
flop, our opponent here, who currently has just 6 high versus our aces,
still has 37% equity in the pot. He will win the pot more than 1 in 3
It doesn't take a math genius to then realize that losing 3 of these in a
row would not be something unheard of. In fact in the fast paced world
of online poker where we are playing thousands or even millions of hands
this will be a common occurrence.
Now don't get me wrong. Winning 3 of these in a row is a lot more
common. Or winning 2 out of 3. The point here is that we should not be
shocked when we lose a few times in a row even with a hand like AA since
our opponent often has big amounts of equity even with a simple flush
draw and a backdoor straight draw like in the example above.
How Should You React to a Single Bad Beat?
So with this understanding in place we can begin to think about bad
beats in poker more from a detached, logical and mathematical
perspective. We can think of them in terms of numbers instead of some
mortal affront to our very being.
Even if the fish hit a 10% gutshot the facts are that 10% will come
through on rare occasions. Instead of reacting with anger you should
train your mind to think in terms of these numbers instead. That 10% (or
20% or 30%) is simply going to come through from time to time.
This is what you signed up for when you chose to play this game. Poker
is very much gambling in the short term and there is no guarantee that
you will win the pot just because you got the money in good.
I prefer to view bad beats as a tax that I have to pay for my long term
winnings. I know that they are a mathematical certainty and I also know
that they are why I can profitably play this game.
The reason why is because if the fish (bad players) lost every time they
got the money in with poor equity, then they would go broke at
lightning speed and eventually just give up.
The fact that they can get lucky on occasion though allows them to get
some small wins from time to time which keeps them depositing. If poker
were a game of 100% skill in the short term like chess then the bad
players would quickly lose interest and go find something else to blow
their money on.
How Should You React to Multiple Bad Beats?
I think that most of us can process a single bad beat though at least on
some level and brush it off. The problems start (i.e., tilt) for most
of us when the bad beats start piling up in quick succession.
We have all been there. Aces have lost 5 times in one session. We have
lost every flip, every 60/40, we have been 5 outed, 2 outed and on and
on. This is the stuff that can drive people nuts. This is too much tax
to pay.
The "tax system" in poker is simply not fair sometimes. Sometimes you
will be required to pay much more than your fair share. But as I said
before, in a game where we knowingly sign up for short term gambling
what is "fair?"
And this hits to the very crux of the problem. When we lose a bunch of
pots in a row as the statistical favorite we view this as being unfair.
We take this personally. We think that somebody is screwing us over or
out to get us.
But once again, from a detached, logical point of view this seems silly.
I have played over 8 million hands of online poker. I have seen some of
the craziest
sh stuff on earth. But I wouldn't still be playing this game if anything was truly amiss in the long run. I can simply check my
Pokertracker 4 database to verify this.
There is a reason that nobody takes the "online poker is rigged" idiots
seriously. It is because they have no statistically significant evidence
to support their conspiracy theories. Those of us who have actually
played massive amounts of hands online (millions) can clearly see that
they are wrong. But the illusion of the short term can be overwhelming
for some people.
So it all goes back to what we talked about before. Bad beats are a
mathematical certainty in this game, and although rare, it only follows
that they will sometimes happen in very quick succession.
Take a Step Back
Given enough bad beats in a row anyone will go on tilt. Beyond all of
this effort to think from a detached, logical and mathematical
perspective there is a deep yearning in all of us to win. Nobody likes
to lose. Even the fish.
And a bad beat is almost like a double slap in the face because you
worked so hard to get your opponent to make a big mistake against you
and then he gets rewarded with your money for his bad play.
This is literally unheard of in any other profession, sport or anything.
And when it happens multiple times in a row it can drive anybody crazy.
So this is why I think it is important to take a step back when
something like this happens. Many online poker sites have the option now
to simply sit out on all of your tables at once. If you feel your blood
pressure rising then just hit that button and get up and take a walk
It is really important to escape from the heat of the moment and try to
process what just occurred on some sort of rational level. Even if you
cannot process it, the biggest key is preventing yourself from making
the big mistake of playing while on tilt.
This is what destroys bankrolls and dreams in this game. Many people do
not even realize that they are doing it. But all those little bad calls
and silly bluff attempts add up in a big way.
Winning at Poker Is Not Easy (It Never Was Meant to Be)
If winning at poker was easy, everybody would be doing it. Who doesn't
want to ship stacks while sipping cocktails from a tropical beach in
Thailand? The
reality of professional poker, or even just winning poker in general, is much different than what most people think it is.
And one of the biggest reasons why many people fail to achieve success
is not because they lack the technical knowledge. Most people these days
have a reasonable understanding of how to play a simple TAG game.
The real reason why they cannot break through is because when several
bad beats happen in a row a switch flips in their head and they go
crazy. Usually it is just minor tilt in the form of some hopeless calls
or a silly river bluff raise.
But as I mentioned before, all of this adds up in a big way. In an era
when the games are tough you cannot afford to be making these kinds of
mistakes. This is the difference between winners and losers in today's
Step away from the tables when multiple bad beats in a row happen and
calm yourself down. Quit for the day if you need to. But do not allow
tilt to ruin your results in this game. The games will always be there
And in time you will learn to deal with multiple bad beats in a row
better. I do believe that inexperience is often a factor. When you play a
lot of poker there is a certain point where you will become almost numb
to it because you have seen it all before countless times.
When I see people complaining about their bad luck in this game often
they are talking about sample sizes that are so insignificant that it is
laughable. It is a lack of experience and a belief that results should
come quick and easy in poker that is their downfall.
This isn't the way that poker works. This game isn't easy. It was never meant to be. And that is very much a good thing.
Final Thoughts
Dealing with bad beats in poker is hard and there are no easy answers.
It is probably the most difficult part of this game in fact. You outwit
your opponent and then get rewarded by shipping your stack to them. It
is absurd, ridiculous and almost feels downright insulting.
But it is also a necessary component of the game. The bad players would
quickly leave on mass if they couldn't get lucky on occasion. We all
have to pay that tax.
But of course on occasion we will have to pay much more tax than normal.
But what is normal in a game that is based on short term gambling?
Words like normal, fair etc. are a myth in this game. Poker does not owe
you anything. This game is a cruel hearted bitch that will rip your
soul out at times.
The vast majority of people can't handle it.
This is actually a great opportunity for you to
rise above everyone else
and ultimately get better results though. You cannot allow your
emotions to control your decisions at the poker tables. This is the
difference between the small amount of big winners in this game and
everybody else.